The JHipster UAA (User Account and Authentication) server option shouldn’t be confused with cloudfoundry’s UAA – although they do similar things.
JHipster allows you to generate a UAA app that contains the user database and is responsible for authenticating users and granting oauth2 JWT access tokens using a spring-security authorization server.
Since JHipster currently uses the gateway for the login screen, there can be no SSO between different gateway apps. However, it makes for a familiar JHipster experience with UAA acting only as the backend for user-management and authentication. UAA does expose its public key at http://localhost:9999/oauth/token but otherwise acts invisibly.
Folder structure:
|- gateway
|- jhipster-registry
|- resource
|- uaa
hint: you should handle each project in a separate tab
Inside a new jhipster-uaa folder, I clone the jhipster-registry and start it up.
git clone
cd jhipster-registry
Beside the new jhipster-registry folder created by the clone, I create the uaa project
mkdir uaa
cd uaa
yo jhipster
…choosing the UAA option and selecting defaults otherwise.
and start it up (important: after the jhipster-registry is up)
Next, I create the resource project inside the jhipster-uaa folder:
mkdir resource
cd resource
yo jhipster
…choosing the UAA option and selecting defaults otherwise.
Next, I create the “foo” entity
yo jhipster:entity foo
…only selecting one “name” field of type String.
Then, start up the resource project (important: after UAA is registered with jhipster-registry)
Next, I create the gateway project inside the jhipster-uaa folder
mkdir gateway
cd gateway
yo jhipster
…choosing the UAA option and selecting defaults otherwise.
Just like the resource project, I create the “foo” entity
yo jhipster:entity foo
…regenerating based on the one in resource.
Then, start up the gateway project (important: after UAA is registered with jhipster-registry)
Try it out!
Wait until everything is up and then you should be good to go!
Explore the github source and screencast